716 Voices

716 Voices

716 Voices
During the lifeless theater season due to COVID shutdown of all performance venues, ART/WNY called upon local writers to share their thoughts on the looming pandemic and how it affected them. Hence, The 716 Voices series was born. It featured accessible videos highlighting regional writers, playwrights and poets utilizing regional backgrounds to underscore the narratives. This project intentions were to bring attention to the personalities of Buffalo writers, but reflected a time and place felt when theaters and all creativity with them went dark for 15 months. 
The 716 Voices can be assessed through ART/WNY's social media sites:
REFLECTIONS by Susan Hutchinson -- Narrated and Featuring Suzanne Hibbard
QUITE AND SILENCE by Mark Humphrey-- Narrated by Mike Dugan
NATURAL THEORY by Justin Pope -- Narrated by Mike Dugan
AN ACTOR WILL PREPARE AGAIN by Matthew LaChiusa - - Narrated by Mike Dugan -- Featuring Hugh Davis
CRACKS IN THE WALL By Monish Bhattacharyya - -Narrated by Mike Dugan

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